If you ever worked or written for a music blog, then you already know how many emails come through one’s inbox every day. It isn’t just from PR reps but also from labels, artists, managers, agents, and someone who is just trying to tell you their life story before they send you a link.
We all think we know good music and think that we are worthy of another’s time and attention but quickly realize that it isn’t always as easy to get someone’s time and attention as we want. Many times the media outlets who we respect the most are also the media outlets that everyone else also respects. We tend to look towards them as a trusted resource for news, content, and good music but then we don’t always pay attention to who is behind these media outlets.
There are plenty of famous artists but there are very few famous writers or photographers or even videographers. If you ask someone who their favorite DJ is, you’ll get an answer but then ask who their favorite blogger is or who their favorite photographer or videographer is and they most likely won’t have an answer unless they actually work in that part of the industry.
This can actually work in one’s favor though. It is much easier to develop a personal relationship with someone that is an editor or writer than it is with Carl Cox or Jamie Jones. It obviously isn’t impossible to develop relationships with Carl Cox and Jamie Jones but they also have managers and agents and interns who manage their social media accounts, their email, their promos, etc. It is much less likely that you will actually be friends with these artists than it is for a writer or editor for this reason.
We all tend to steer clear of pitching anything through social media but the truth of the matter is that if you are part of the media then you are definitely hyperactive on social media. Many writers and editors have social media outlets that they are more active on and some separate Facebook from work but although not everyone likes to be contacted by strangers on Facebook, there are plenty that don’t mind it. The best thing to do is to connect with them first and then comment on an article they just wrote or something they posted. This allows for not only engagement for what they are posting but also engagement with the writer or editor. This also lets the writer or editor know that you’ve read what they wrote about and paying attention.
Don’t be afraid to hit them up on messenger and have a conversation. Conversation as in don’t just talk about music but find out what other interests they have, they probably have a day job as well and maybe a cool or unique profession even. You can even ask what their favorite festivals or shows are and who their favorite artists are. Establish a rapport on social media with them by taking interest in them and what they are writing about and working on. Once you do this, ask if you can shoot them an email to check out whatever it is you want them to check out.
It is important to not just send your music but also share information about anything you might find mutually interesting. Just like you establish a relationship with your friends, you establish relationships with those that you want to talk highly about you. This is essential to getting noticed and recognized and responded to.
Many publicists simply don’t know who they are pitching to. They rarely ask writers and editors what music they like or have a conversation with them unless they actually meet them in person. You can’t always make assumptions based on the content they produce. Many writers and editors have superiors who give them assignments and deadlines and they might not necessarily enjoy what they write about.

Some writers like to write about and attend festivals and some prefer indie rock but are also writing about techno. Some writers have a wide range of tastes and preferences of music but they usually very specific and niche. The more unique the sound, the easier it is to describe and write about. The more unique the story or content, the more traction it will get and the further the media outlet will be able to establish their brand.
One other thing you also have to take into consideration is whether the writer is more into journalistic and story based content or is more into writing music and/or event reviews. A journalist is looking for something more newsworthy and a good story while someone who simply reviews music and events wants something more straightforward and informative. A story also normally comes with visuals and imagery and can be paired up with video. Some just care about the music itself first and foremost. If the music sounds good, then a story can be found.
When emailing a pitch, the subject line should be short and to the point and clearly explain what it is you are sending. It should also say in the subject line who you are sending the content to. Many tend to use the name of the writer in the subject line but you are more so pitching content to the blog rather than the writer. If you were just pitching to the writer, then they could just share it to their social media and call it a day. You’re ultimate goal is to get your content published on the outlet they are writing for.
If you’ve already managed to develop a relationship with the writer or editor of the blog, then it makes it much easier to send them content. They already are expecting it and you also don’t really have to think too much about what to put in the subject line. As long as you identify the content clearly and address it to the blog you are pitching, that is all you need to put. Some writers and editors are a lot more lax and cool than you might think and don’t always think that you need to be super formal and professional all the time. As long as you put together a good press release and link to the music, then that is the most important part.
The key is to have fun with what you are doing and not take it too seriously all the time. Music bloggers are mostly music lovers who like to party and have fun. Nobody sits around reading music biographies for fun and it’s also not very fun to look at an itinerary. Those that work with media outlets are doing it to discover the most interesting stories, the most interesting music, and the most interesting events. I think we all do.
If you want help being connected to some of the most interesting writers and editors in electronic music as well as with content development, branding, and social media, then please visit https://www.6amgroup.com/social-media-growth-management for more info. We have proven success in helping artists develop solid a solid rapport with music bloggers.